Friday, March 5, 2010

Education Is a Human Right!

"State budget cuts across the country have led to layoffs, furloughs, and cutbacks affecting all levels of education, from prekindergarten to universities." Protests are now planned to fight these cuts in funding education, which have led to a nation wide movement. -CNN

We can no longer ignore the economic crisis we seem to be stranded in, recently education funds have suffered the heaviest toll. Narrowing the scope to California, there was a $1 billion budget cut to the state's university system, increasing college tuition by approximately 32%. Demonstrations though predominantly present in college campuses, have also been been planned for K-12 schools who have witnessed the budget cuts through increase in class sizes , teacher and staff layoffs, but how much more will they have to take before these officials recognize that education cannot be exposed to such conditions? Rallies have been scheduled throughout California to challenge the decisions of administrators and state law makers, but will they be heard? I sure hope so. California legislators must listen to its citizens and prioritize education in their public agenda, because by the looks of it, it sure does seem an educational reform is exactly what people are calling for.