Monday, August 31, 2009

Dick Cheney and his so called "Good Policy"

"Former Vice President Dick Cheney says politics are driving the Justice Department's decision to investigate whether CIA interrogators abused terror suspects detained after the Sept. 11 attacks." - The Associated Press

Terror: a very great fear often utilized to intimidate an individual into "speaking."

At the recent news of CIA abuse accusations released by an internal CIA inspector general's report, President Barack Obama has assured interrogators that unless they did not follow legal guidelines they would not face any charges. Currently investigating the issue is Attorney General, Eric Holder, whom respectably admitted he realized how controversial his decision to initiate his "preliminary review" would be. He furthered declared that it is his sole obligation to review the alleged accusations.

Holder's actions in fact did attract much criticism, predominantly from former Vice President, Dick Cheney. Surprisingly enough Cheney did not only admit he personally was not a fan of Obama and his policies when he was elected and still stands firm to that opinion. But he also claimed that the Obama administration have taken the CIA justice issue into a personal matter of politics whom thought "well, we didn't like those opinions, [so] we're going to investigate those lawyers and perhaps have them disbbared."

Nonetheless, Cheney's accuastions remain mere speculation and opinion unlike the reports that claim that several CIA interrogators "went beyond Bush administration rules" using cruel tactics such as water boarding, "a simulated drowning technique" against detainees. So far it has been reported that at least three 'high level suspects' were subjected to water bordering several times. Another CIA report uncovered other cases were interrogators threatened detainees with a handgun and an electric drill.

Cheney referred this cruel and vicious methods intended to make the suspects 'talk' as a "good policy". Using the same repeated idea of 'the end justifies the mean' by claiming that those techniques were "directly responsible for the fact that for eight years, we had no further mass casualty attacks against the United States."

From this breakthrough news even bigger issues may elevate, think about it, what if detainees were so frighten by interrogators that they admitted to comitting the charges that were held against them even if innocent, only to save their life or that of their family?! So therefore I must applaud Eric Holder, for his efforts towards seeking justice, for those government officials who abused their power must not go unpunished even if it was years ago.


Sid Jacobo said...

I also applaud Holder for trying to investigate the tactics that were used for investigation; they seem immoral and harsh. Protecting a nation, cannot validate their appauling techniques (waterboarding. Yor bring an interesting point, that they might deceive the interrogators just to be removed from the terror. I think Holder should continue with his investigation and bring the lies in the truth that were giving to the public by Dick Cheney.

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