Thursday, September 17, 2009

More than Skin Deep?!

"The president's policies have drawn legitimate protests -- but Jimmy Carter's allegations regarding racial animus have some relevance too." -The LA Times

Anyone who saw the speech Obama delivered regarding the healthcare reform during a joint session of congress will surely remember Representative Joe Wilson's "You lie!!" outburst. President Obama had just disclaimed rumors that alleged that the healthcare reform would provide coverage for illegal immigrants, when Rep. Wilson publicly called out Obama a liar for 'retrieving' his previous idea to cover illegal immigrants as well. As Obama distangled the misconceptions that were brought upon the gullible public to believe, there was great commotion, did Obama ever promise healthcare for all, all precisely including those whom are undocumented?!

Well now a new issue has been brought to attention, currently spectators believe that many 'conservatives' or opponents of Obama's may not even consider his ideas, rather they judge him on "racial animus" not his policies."I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African American" says former 'white' president Jimmy Carter.

Obama declines to make the same accusation against racial bigotry and rejects that such is so. He does not believe that that criticism comes based on the color of his skin. Many whom also discard race as a possible leading factor claim that 'Obamaphobes', critic the president because he is pushing "big government" programs in order to bring about the CHANGE he promised America.

I personally agree with the comments of spectators regarding the idea that Obama is judge predominantly on his race. Individuals dislike him because they fear the "seismic social change" Obama symbolizes as an African American president.Now I'm not calling all of Obama's detractors racist, but I must say that I do believe that because Obama is a man of color he is subjected to much more harsh criticism.


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