Friday, October 23, 2009

Prevent Hate Crimes Protect All Our Citizens!!

"Preaching the Gospel Would be Against the Law! (And Other Hate Crimes Myths)"-Politics Daily

After a long sturdy tough wait in line the Gay Rights issue has been recently placed on Congress' table. There is a Senate vote expected to expand federal hate crime laws to include sexual orientation as well, yet to such sweet justice as one would be expected to perceive it, many religious conservatives have released a screaching halt. In fact they are "ramping up the rhetoric" against the bill, which already passed the House last week.

This is entirely a Democratic movement. Behind the legislation which is also coined as the Human Rights Campaign are all Democrats including our fellow President Barack Obama "the leading gay rights lobby" so they called him. He has guaranteed his support as he renewed his pledged to sign the bill. Lets just hope he is not another Clinton.>.< (Don't understand?! Watch video below, Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act catching the American public off-guard, it was quite a surprise because he had previously attended an HRC "=" event speaking on behalf the country's fight against discrimination)

The Bill is named after Matthew Sheppard, a 21 year old man beaten to death by two men simply because he was GAY in small town Laramie Wyoming in October 2008, as depicted in The Laramie Project, which many of us had the opportunity to read. And James Byrd, a black man who was dragged to his death behind a pickup truck by a gang of white men in Texas, only a few months before Sheppard's 1998 killing. The bill was first introduced back in 2001, and since then many Republicans have been able to dodge it and turn it down, but now Democratic leaders have attached the bill to a defense appropriations measure.

The bill would categorize crimes specifically targeted at homosexuals and transgender people as Hate crimes, also covering people with disabilities. HOWEVER the tantrum is not so much over that as much as it is over the LGBT inclusion, which has given birth to some absurd myths such as those summarized below:

"Pastors would be hounded out of their pulpits or even rounded up because a hate crimes law would "criminalize" speech and particularly sermons that quote scripture saying homosexuality is a sin. The law would also "create" new rights for homosexuals and grant them "special protections" not accorded other Americans. And what the heck is a "hate crime," anyway? All crimes are hate crimes!"


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