Sunday, November 29, 2009
Same-Sex Marriage in D.C. will Congress intervene?
One would think that in America the land "modeled" on the principle of equality would be light hearted and open minded to issues such as same-sex marriage but surpisingly enough, it is quite just the opposite. Only 5 out of the 50 United States have legalized same-sex marriage up to this day, 2009. Only f-i-v-e! Now currently the District of Columbia is "poised" to join, will it be allowed by congress though? Washington city councilors have already voted to allow gay-marriage but there is yet another upcoming vote where Congress could possibly intervene.
"If a coalition of same sex marriage opponents have their say, the issue will eventually be decided by a referendum." Let the people be heard! (If they promote what I agree with.)
So far opponents of the act alleged that they will not be overshadowed so easily, for they will lobby Congress whom has the power to overturn any laws adopted by the council within a 30 day range. In 1996 Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act,which denies federal recognition of same-sex marriages. But can Republicans persuade Democrats into blocking the same-sex marriage law right now? I personally highly doubt it, the Republicans are fairly weak at the moment.
Lets do this D.C.! This progress could be a vital symbolic victory for the nation, perhaps even an eye-opener.
Same-sex marriage advocates are currently eyeing two specific states as well, New York and New Jersey. Why you may wonder, what is so special about them? Well it is precisely becasue neither state has the ballot initiative or referendum process, methods by whihc same-sex marriage laws were reversed in both the state of California Maine.
Now Congress please let the people be! Do not intervene unless you help speed up the process and pave the way towards equality. It is time to embrace individuality America! Promote Acceptance! Lets fight hate, prejudice, intolereance, and unfair "traditions".
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Media
Rachel Maddow, has now become my heroe! Why? Well she is blunt, sarcastic, and fearless! One heck of a woman, and one outspoken news anchor too. It is evident that her ideaology is practically if not entirely liberal, just listen to her. Not only does she defend herself and her co-workers on MSNBC but she discredits Fox News as a "regular" news station rather she calls them an "oppositonal political outlet". (Obviously a Republican influenced one against the Democratic party and the White House) Opinion as she says has always been a "kissing cousin" to news but it does not justify a news station for misinforming or getting strayed from covering the news efficiently. My conjecture is that the audience she most appeals to is predominantly the left-wing, the "locos", the tadadada the Liberal individuals.
Monday, November 16, 2009
MRC & FAIR; Compare & Contrast
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Political Cartoons
Dictionary says:
a. A drawing depicting a humorous situation, often accompanied by a caption.
b. A drawing representing current public figures or issues symbolically and often satirically.
Elizabeth says: Political Cartoons are not merely images, they hold a much deeper purpose. It is a way in which creative individuals make a social comment concerning political aspects through the use of satire.
Our dear America is a democratic capitalistic nation, one that is looked down upon by the leaders of Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. But what about Chris Wallace? Is he not American? Well apparently he seems to share something in common with these communist/socialist leaders, they are all OBAMAPHOBES. As a Fox news reporter Chris Wallace has been accused of distributing bias information to the American public, one plagued with purely Republican criticism of our current Democratic dominated government. The cartoon further exemplifies the idea that Obama must not go across seas to find an enemy, for he has Chris Wallace here already providing bad coverage in an attempt to defame him.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Universal Healtcare = Free Abortions?!
Today, besides many other speculations and myths plaguing the Healthcare Reform, it seems as is the most stirring controversy roaming it is: "Will it cover abortions?" Abortion prices typically tend to range between $350-$900 Planned Parenthood sources reveal.
Recently, the house has voted a strict ban on abortion subsidies. In a 290-194 vote in favor of the Stupack amendment, where a total of 64 democrats joined the Republicans in favor of the prohibition. Michigan Democratic Representative Bart Stupack (creator of the amendmnt)strongly believe federal money in terms of aid should not cover abortions unless it falls under the specified exceptions of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is in danger.
The original Democratic legislation would have allowed the government plan to cover abortions, only if the Health and Human Sevices secretary decided it should. Which would have allowed people to get federal "subsidies" to pay for abortion coverage with their own money.
However the amendment not only barrs the new government insurance plan from covering abortions except in the cases mentioned above. But it also prohibits people who receive new federal health "subsidies" from purchasing insurance that include abortion coverage in their plan.
Many abortion advocates, otherwise noted as pro-choice people believe this is a huge setback, alleging that the current amendment goes further than current law.
"Discrepancies between the House and Senate measures would have to be reconciled before any final bill is passed."
Lets just hope that the Stupack amendment stands firm and barrs the cover for abortion in the government Healtcare bill. Pro-life!