Today, besides many other speculations and myths plaguing the Healthcare Reform, it seems as is the most stirring controversy roaming it is: "Will it cover abortions?" Abortion prices typically tend to range between $350-$900 Planned Parenthood sources reveal.
Recently, the house has voted a strict ban on abortion subsidies. In a 290-194 vote in favor of the Stupack amendment, where a total of 64 democrats joined the Republicans in favor of the prohibition. Michigan Democratic Representative Bart Stupack (creator of the amendmnt)strongly believe federal money in terms of aid should not cover abortions unless it falls under the specified exceptions of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is in danger.
The original Democratic legislation would have allowed the government plan to cover abortions, only if the Health and Human Sevices secretary decided it should. Which would have allowed people to get federal "subsidies" to pay for abortion coverage with their own money.
However the amendment not only barrs the new government insurance plan from covering abortions except in the cases mentioned above. But it also prohibits people who receive new federal health "subsidies" from purchasing insurance that include abortion coverage in their plan.
Many abortion advocates, otherwise noted as pro-choice people believe this is a huge setback, alleging that the current amendment goes further than current law.
"Discrepancies between the House and Senate measures would have to be reconciled before any final bill is passed."
Lets just hope that the Stupack amendment stands firm and barrs the cover for abortion in the government Healtcare bill. Pro-life!
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