Friday, December 4, 2009


Middle Act of 2009. is a recently proposed bill introduced in the Senate by Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island on June 25, 2009. Such bill would provide states with a grant with the purpose of reinforcing the United States public educational system that is constantly criticized. It will specifically focus on the middle school curriculum, meaning 6th-8th grade academic courses. It is designed to elaborate a 'rigorous' curriculum strong enough to prepare the young evolving minds for success in high school or "post secondary endeavors." Its goal is to improve state and district policies and programs in order to ensure academic achievement throughout the middle school education of a student and hence increase their chances of academic excellence during their high school years. Much more it will attempt to develop and implement effective middle grades 'models' designed precisely for struggling students hoping to stimulate and encourage low performing students to strive to accomplish to the best of their potential.

The bill has been read twice and was referred to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. I must say that this proposal is a great start, because though education in America is individualistic like most of its many systems, (for one can ex cell academically and achieve a higher education if one is preserve rant and dedicated) it does deserve to be upgraded. Many students in Los Angeles California for example can proceed onto High school even if they failed core academic courses essential to their education during middle school. This seems ridiculous. For matter of fact is middle school matters, there must be a sloid foundation to one's education!


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